Indigo Lane by Brenda Gervais
Done on 28 ct summer khaki
Cashel linen. I changed the
House color, added a dog and
Changed the grass.
The cherry blossom tree bloomed
And it was beautiful.
Noel Sampler by Brenda Gervais
Done on 40 ct parchment by
Weeks due works. This piece
An amazing and joyful stitch.
Well rounded by Hands on designs
Done on 32 ct Sandstone Jobelan.
I am waiting to get supplies to finish
Pleasure of the fleeting year by
Blackbird designs. #6 in
The Loose feathers series.
Done on 32ct. Morning dove
Lakeside linen.
Block six completed on my
Spring at hawk run hollow.
I hope eveyone is doing well. Be alert and prepared. Be safe. Do things That make you happy
and bring you joy. happy stitching.
Indigo Lane is pretty with your changes, as are all of your other stitches.
Stay safe!
Hi Cindy! It was good to see your new post. What beautiful stitches you have been worked on and finished! Your Rounds by HOD look fabulous as does your Indigo Lane. The Christmas piece is so pretty; my favorite part is the pair of reindeer. Be well and safe! Thinking of you!
Thank you. 🌻
Hi Robin. I hope you are doing well and stitching up a storm!
Thanks for sharing all your lovely stitching, Cindy. I'm stitching the Autumn Perennial Pinwheel.
Gorgeous stitching!
I want to stitch that to.
Thank you Annie
I absolutely love your Indigo Lane finish, Cindy. It's a chart I've had and wanted to stitch for a while--perhaps yours will inspire me!
Hope you are well and staying safe. It's been a tough month here, but I hope we've turned the corner :)
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Lovely post, thanks for posting
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I love seeing all the beautiful finished pieces.
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