Much love to All.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A long time away

 It's been a while.  I have moved to a new area and new
State in August and I recently moved again.
It's been a very busy year full of changes.
Farmers alphabet is finally finished.   I finished
It at the cross stitch retreat I held in knoxville, TN
In the beginning of October.
 This was the exchange I did for retreat.
Adorable finish.

Cathy from Hands on Designs did the pattern
For the retreat.  It will be released in 2020.
This is a group picture from the retreat.
We had the best group of women.

For more detailed information, 
you can Watch the retreat videos.

Happy stitching everyone🌻


Marilyn said...

Sounds like you've been busy moving!
Cute finishes.
Gotta love that Squirrel.

Vickie said...

Your Farmer's Alphabet is fabulous! I saw your darling squirrel and so many pictures around IG! I can tell it was a great success!

gracie said...

Busy hip hopping around! Great group picture and stitching one too.

laceystitcher said...

I always love seeing what you stitch and your creative finishing that you do!! So inspiring. I was not aware that you had moved to another state. May I ask what state it is? (Hoping it is closer to Kansas!! LOL) I know that change is many times so hard but often turns out to be something positive which I hope is the case with you - you are so a dear, sweet person. I hope you are getting some stitching time in to de-stress!! Hugs and happy stitching ................

Robin in Virginia said...

Cindy, it is always good to see a new post from you. I wish you all the best in your new home. What a sweet squirrel you stitched and finished for the exchange at your retreat! Your Farmer's Alphabet finish is beautiful. What some of the pictures I have seen on Instagram, it looked like your retreat was a success. I would love to read a recap since I don't do floss tube. Thinking of you!

Carol said...

What a busy year you've had, Cindy! Hope you are settling in nicely in your new home :) Love your stitching and I'm SO happy that you had such fun at your stitching retreat. I saw a lot of photos of the ladies on IG and everyone said it was great--good for you!! ♥

Vickig said...

I just watched your video about finishing round ornaments. Great information. Where do I find the large circle templates? I can’t seem to locate any over 2”. Thanks.

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