Much love to All.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas delights - Things to make you smile

 These are bound to make you smile
Some really pretty Gingerbread houses.
I like gingerbread.  Do you?
These were not made by me, but
maybe someday when i get to retire
maybe this is antoher craft i will
get into.   Perishable, have to
really think about that.

 My Christmas stocking.  It's one of the few
things I have from my childhood.  I love it.
My mom had a friend who made one for
me and my two sisters.  The santa has
Angora hair. It is an amazing piece someone
put a lot of talent into. I wish i could thank this
person.  I have no idea who made it.  Chances
are they are in heaven.  I truly like my stocking.
  Yes, the year does give away
my age.  I will be the big '50' on New Year's Day.
Fifty will be fabulous. 
 A couple of people have asked about storage.
For the small patterns i have a small binder with
page protectors and you can flip through the
book to find that special pattern. double sided.
 For larger patterns the same thing but
a bigger binder.  Yes, the whole book
has prairie schooler patterns.
For my DMC I store in Art Bins.  All
#'s are in order and doesn't take up to much
room.  For weeks dye and specialty 
threads I put in Floss bags to protect and
then in an art bin in name order. Easy
and quick access to find what you want.
Everyone has different storage methods.
This works for me. 
Enjoy the Christmas season.


Marilyn said...

Wow, those are some fabulous Gingerbread Houses!

Chris said...

Thank you for the smile this morning Cindy! The gingerbread houses are wonderful.
I love your stocking and I am so glad that you still have it.
Great organizing, I need to work on this.
Happy Tuesday!

Vickie said...

I still have my stocking also. Mine is store bought though. ;)
Could you imagine making those gingerbread houses?!?!

Tricia said...

The binders are a great idea! I'll have to think about that some.... :)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Love your stocking :) And you have a neat and fabulous storage idea!

Hazel said...

The gingerbread houses are fantastic! I like your folder storage idea. x

Carol said...

I've always wanted to make a pretty gingerbread house, too, Cindy--these are amazing!! I wonder how long they take to create?

Your old stocking is so sweet and it was interesting to read about your storage system. I have the same one for my charts, too :)

Angela said...

The Gingerbread houses are gorgeous! I really like the way you store your floss, great idea

Andrea said...

Wow those gingerbread house are fantastic! Love your stocking and glad you still use it.

Maggee said...

The first word out of my mouth was 'wow!' The workmanship on those gingerbread houses is fantastic! And it is neat that you still have a stocking from your childhood. Can't say I have ANYthing from my childhood... Hugs!

Danielle A said...

Oh nice! I store my patterns the same way! :)