Much love to All.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

snow storm nov 2012

Snow storm Nov. 7, 2012.  I just got home from work.
Took an hour to get home in this snow storm.  I waited
for gas for only 20 minutes.  Yes, there is still a gas crisis
in my area.  Its going to be a rough winter.


Patty C. said...

Looks cold!
Hang in there ;)

Annette-California said...

Oh it does look very cold. It's Hot Chocolate time for you.
love Annette

Chris said...

Stay safe.

Sally said...

Wow that looks cold. Stay warm and safe.

Parsley said...

Eek! Stay safe.

Tricia said...

Oh my! It's pretty outside, but much nicer to look at than to drive through, I'm sure. I'm so glad that you made it home safely! Time for a hot cup of tea and some stitching??


Carol said...

Oh, my--you are really getting hammered this year, Cindy! Definitely time to move south, I'd say :) Stay warm and safe...

Catherine said...

Looks like a perfect night to stay in and stitch!

Shebafudge said...

Oooooh....snow....I'm jealous!

Stay safe :)