Pattern by Lizzie Kate
Sampling Easter Q-005
I cannot believe it has almost been a month
from my last post. I have been stitching but
haven't had time to finish and post. I have
been working the same schedule in work for
over 7 years. My supervisor left to go to another
department and they split our group up. Rather
then be thrown to the wolves I chose a supervisor
i have known for years. The hours are the same
but my days off are different. I used to be off
thursday, friday and sunday. Now my days off
are Sunday, tuesday, and wednesday. Don't
get excited, I work 10 1/2 hour shifts 4 days
a week. It has only been a couple of weeks and
I am still adjusting. I don't even know what day of
the week it is sometimes. On top of that I have been
working a ton of over time, sometimes working two
weeks straight with no day off. When the nice
weather is here - NO MORE OVERTIME- life is to
short. This piece was fun to work on. I adore the
spring colors. The fabric is so cute. Bunnies that
sparkle. The buttons make the piece. I have been
working a bigger piece and hope to be done next week.
I have been visiting blogs but do not have the time
right now to leave comments on all of them. When
i am back in the groove I will feel much better.
On a bright note, My oldest baby will be 21 on March
23. It is hard to believe she will be 21. I am taking
her and my other kids to one of the best restaurants
in NYC. I will post pictures and details. I will be
buying her the very first drink because she asked
me to. I guess it is an honor, but I am a person who may
have maybe one glass of dessert wine a year. I am not
a drinker. I am excited and I worked hard all year.
I want to give her something she will remember the
rest of her life and this dinner will do the trick. I
appreciate all of your comments and truly
enjoy all of my bloggers.