I have reached a milestone in Blog Land. I have 100
followers - Woohoo. How we celebrate in Blog land is a
GIVEAWAY. Just leave a comment that you would like to be
included in the Giveaway on this post and one of your favorite
pieces that you stitched and you will be entered. If you leave a
comment on your blog your will receive 5 extra
chances to win, please mention that you posted on your blog
to get the extra credit. YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER TO JOIN THE
GIVEAWAY. This is to say thank you for all of the followers, you
truly make my day. It is hard to believe that so many
people enjoy stitching like I do and I truly enjoy all the comments
on my projects. You might be a follower that just likes looking at
crafts. I never thought when I started it would be this much fun
and so enjoyable. I have met so wonderful people. If you
are not a follower, join the fun and be included. There will be
3 winners. The winners will receive stitching goodies.
Oh what fun, It will be like Christmas in July.
Drawing July 31st.
followers - Woohoo. How we celebrate in Blog land is a
GIVEAWAY. Just leave a comment that you would like to be
included in the Giveaway on this post and one of your favorite
pieces that you stitched and you will be entered. If you leave a
comment on your blog your will receive 5 extra
chances to win, please mention that you posted on your blog
to get the extra credit. YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER TO JOIN THE
GIVEAWAY. This is to say thank you for all of the followers, you
truly make my day. It is hard to believe that so many
people enjoy stitching like I do and I truly enjoy all the comments
on my projects. You might be a follower that just likes looking at
crafts. I never thought when I started it would be this much fun
and so enjoyable. I have met so wonderful people. If you
are not a follower, join the fun and be included. There will be
3 winners. The winners will receive stitching goodies.
Oh what fun, It will be like Christmas in July.
Drawing July 31st.
I've become a follower and I'd like to be included in your give away. The most meaningful piece I ever stitched (and still have hanging on my wall) is the Serenity Prayer that I stitched while I was married to an alcoholic (who has since passed) and I was attending Al-Anon. To this day the Serenity Prayer is an important part of my daily prayers. It has helped me keep my sanity many times over. I will post your give away on my blog.
I just became a follower and would love to be entered into your drawing. The piece I did is a collage of smaller designs from a book by Sam Hawkins called 501 cross stitch designs. When things got stressful with my then husband I would stitch on this piece. As Dottie says in her post it saved my sanity as well. It has feminine and masculine designs. I have a pic of it in the photo section on I love cross stitch, look for Harvestangel. Thank you. cherokeewild38@yahoo.com
I am a new follower as well,but love seeing your talent in all the pieces you finish and share with us. The piece I find most meaningful right now was a pattern in JCS last year with a pot of flowers representing hope and other happy thoughts that I made for a friend whose grandson has been diagnosed with autism. I know that my answer will change periodically, but that's what we're all about, right?! Thanks for the chance to be entered in your give away.
Mary Jane
(Calamity Jr.)
Cogratulations on your 100th. I can't wait to reach mine. My favorite stitch I ever did was Tatiana Fairy by Mirabilia. It was stitched for my niece just after she was born. It was my first large piece and it was just so gorgeous. She still has that piece hanging in her room 6 years later. I will also post on my blog. Congrats again. I love your stitching and finishing.
Congrads hun... I hope to make 100 someday. LOL I've been a follower of your blog for a short time; and love to see all the new things you stitch; I think my most meaningful piece is a picture I made for my mom; you know the song "Wind beneath my wings" that is my song to my mom; well I stitched the words and made a pretty flower boarder around it and gave it to her; this was about 22 years ago and it still hangs in her bedroom. Please enter me in your giveaway and I will also mention your give a way on my blog. I need all the chances I can get. LOL
Happy 100! It's always fun to reach a milestone. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.
My favourite finish (as of right now) is Mirabilia's Bluebeard Princess. There's just something about her that just grabs me.
Congrats on your 100th follower. I would love to be included in your giveaway. My most meaningful piece that I have ever stitched is the piece that is highlighted on my blog. It is the picture of two little girls building a sandcastle on the beach. I did the piece when my two girls were the size of the girls in the picture. My daughters are 22 and 24 now. I look at that picture every day and think of my babies, because that is what they will always be to me.
I am a follower, and I'd love to be entered in the drawing. One of my favorite pieces to stitch was Cat by JBW Designs as a memorial for two of our cats who died last year. I gave it to my mom for Christmas. You can see it on my blog :) & I will post about your giveaway too.
- Lisa N.
Congrats on 100!
I would love to be included in your celebration! Thanks for sharing your works with us, your faithful followers.
Here's to the next 100...
Love looking at your projects.
I have stitched a few over time, have a few on the go, (The Lord's Prayer) and have a few which I want to start but can't! Not until I have something completed to show!
Congrats on your 100 followers milestone!
Congratulations on your 100 followers!
Please include me in your giveaway.
I knew I was a follower... must have lost you somehow when I changed the look of my blog. I am again a follower. (gotta read up and see what I missed)
My favorite piece is actually 3 different ones(all in my blog).... The first is "May the Lord" (angel in God's hands) - Reminds me that my 4 miscarried angels are waiting in God's hands for me. The second is "In the arms of an angel" was stitching this in the hospital and finished this after my father passed away. The last one was a altered "May the Lord" for a memorial pillow for a wonderful little boy.
I have posted your giveaway in my blog and it automatically posts to my facebook.
Thank you for this opportunity.
I am a follower since you started your daughters 16th B.D. present i would love to win. please include me
Please include me in your giveaway. One of my most favorite stitches was The Lord's Prayer. :)
It's a wonderful idea - to celebrate 100 followers, I have such a giveaway too :)
One of my favourite stitchings is this heart I stitched for my friend http://tatkis-mousehouse.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_05.html
Best wishes,
Hi! I'm your new loyal follower and posted about this giveaway in my blog
Wow, 100 followers! Congratulations!
I'd love to be included in your draw. My favourite piece varies depending on my mood. I specially love the Blackbird Designs piece "Beyond my Heart", which is on my dining room wall, another favourite is a large Hummel design I stitched for my Mum.
Congratulations on your 100th post Cindy! I'd love to be included in your giveaway.
So far this year I think my favourite finish is CHS Her Sampler.
Please count me in Cindy :-) I've put a link on my blog too.
My favourite finish was 'Their Song' by Blackbird Designs. I have it framed and on show in my lounge where I can see it every day, it makes me smile :-)
I'm a follower now, and have also posted your giveaway on my sidebar. Please include me!
My favourite is Rose Petal Angel which is still missing its beads... have to finish it...
Pirjo from Finland
Congratulations Cindy on 100 followers! I have been a follower for a while and would love to be included in your giveaway. I did put a notice on my blog about it as well.
My favorite piece of stitching so far..ohh that is a tough question as I have a few that I have done which I really love, but the teddy bear on a china cabinet that I stitched for my biological mother is still my most loved piece. She passed away before I could give it to her in person, but it was buried with her. It was also my first finished counted cross stitch piece. It meant a lot to me to stitch for her as I only knew her for a very short (too short!) time.
Good morning!!! Of course I am a follower and would love a chance at your great give away!!
I would say one of my favorite pieces that I have stitched is a La-D-Da that I have stitched twice called "Rejoice Simply Rejoice"..It was done for a young man who volunteered his time to help teenage boys by being a mentor in the Young Life program. He stuck with those boys 4 years (9th grade through graduation)...So, to me he is like an angel!!! After I made it for him, I had to make it for myself!
Thanks again for this great opportunity! Faye
Congratulations on 100 followers!
My favorite finish is the "Book of Ink Circles" and I have already been following :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
congratulations on your 100 followers, that's a lot! I'm a new follower, and I'd like to enter your give-away :) My most meaningful piece, a little pillow a made for my mum (a mother is a gift from God). (I've mentioned your give-away on my blog).
Congrats on your 100th follower achievement, Cindy!!
I hope you will visit my blog and become a follower - I have a long way to go to reach your level! LOL
A recent favorite stitch would be Sleepy Hollow by the Cricket Collection. It was one of those that I just couldn't put down!
I will be heading to my blog to post about your give-away. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My favorite piece is Mirabilia's Mermaids of the Deep Blue which is currently hanging in my office. But, my most meaningful is "Love, Me" whice was stitched by my BFF as a wedding gift for Hubby and I.
I've also posted your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog.
Count me in
I just love the LHN patterns
My favorite piece is a beatitudes pattern I stitched many years ago as a gift - it had filament and beads throughout dogwood trees with a bluebird nest in the bottom corner- I don't have the pattern anymore and I don't recall the name - but it was Gorgeous
I am now a follower! One of my favorite pieces that I stitched is Christ in Gethsemane. It took me forever but the end product was worth it! :) Off to post about your giveaway on my blog.
Congrads, Tracey!!
Have fun with the giveaways.
Congrats on the follower milestone!
I'd love a chance to enter your give away. I just found your blog via another and am now a follower!
Oops! Forgot to say something about my favorite piece. One of my favorites is a wedding sampler that I designed for my husband!
I just became a follower !I only now discovered your blog and you make very nice things! Happy hundredth follower!
I just became a follower because I just found your blog. I'd love to entered into your giveaway. If you have time, hop over to my blog - I'm having a giveaway too.
I am a follower and would love to be included in your giveaway drawing.
As for my favorite stitched piece it would have to be Everyone Brings Joy from Waxing Moon. :) One of my sisters saw it and had to have one also. The sentiment? "Everyone brings joy to this house. Some when they enter and others when they leave."
Hi Cindy! Please include me in your giveaway. I am a follower and I have posted on my site. I have to admit my favorite piece to stitch is the one sitting in my workbasket waiting for me to start it.....it is the anticipation of the new fiber, fabric and floss and the potential of watching a new design come to life.
Congratulations on 100 followers, Cindy! Glad to be one of them for so long--I've loved getting to know you better and seeing your lovely work :)
My favorite piece is one I stitched about two years ago: LHN's "Nature's Beauty." I just love nature (as you can tell by all my nature photos on my blog!!) and the saying on this piece really reflects my feelings.
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
Congratulations on 100 followers! I've not completed many of my stitched works, but I have to say that my favourite so far has been working on my HAED, Persephone. That said, the one I've poured most of my love into and I've found challenging and learned new things from is Winter's Majesty by maia designs that I'm currently stitching for my mum. It's a very challenging piece, but it's beautiful and I'm enjoying doing it, especially because I'm learning about stitching (and about myself - my patience, or lack thereof etc) throughout the experience :)
Thanks for hosting a giveaway. I'd love to be included, and have posted on my blog too.
Yay 100 followers. Now you can add another. Thanks for being so giving. I have also posted on my blog for you.
Congrats on your blog success!
I follow but I just made sure my photo showed up.
I will post on my sidebar for those extra entries! Thanks!
I'm having a stitchy giveaway too. All are invited.
Thanks for the fun.
Hi , I've just discovered your blog and becme a follower , and I'd love to enter your giveaway . congrats on your now 130 followers , lol.
I will post about it on my blog . X
Hello Cindy, I'm your newest, bestest, blogging buddy!
I've just made it to 100 followers too and having a givaway on my blog also.
I'd like a chance to enter yours - do you want to enter mine??
Congratulations and happy stitching!
forgot to mention my favourite stitched piece would have to be a Family Tree - it was a Dimensions kit, and I think it was a Stoney Creek design. I altered the wording to suit and my youngest son loves to look at it and asks questions about the generations upon it.
Thank you again for this chance!
Hi! Forgot to say my favourite stitching, that would be two birthsighs from Maria van Scharrenburg for my beautifull girls, age 1 and 4 :)
Congrats on hitting 100! :)
How very exciting.
The most meaningful piece I've ever done... tough. I think I'm working on it right now. it's hummingbirds from Just Cross Stitch magazine for my Grandma. I am doing them to try and brighten up her home after Grandpa's death just a few months ago. I am hoping that something new that is just hers will help her out.
Hi! I'm Nia, from Portugal and I'm a new follower :)
Please, enter me for your giveaway!
And congratulations!! :D
I posted on my blog, on the right sidebar ;)
Congratulations on 100 followers. I have a new blog so that seems like a zilllion!! HaHa!
My most memorable piece was for a dear friend that stitched also and we worked night shift together. One year we stitched each other a Christmas present. I still have mine and loved the Heart in Hand that I finished for her.
I also blogged about your giveaway on my blog also.
Congratulations on your 100th follower:) Would love to be entered into your drawing please.
I think the most meaningful piece I have stitched would have to be Lavender and Lace Angel of Hope which I stitched way back in 1999 when my dear mother-in-law was having treatment for multiple myeloma.
Congratulations! What an achievement!
Sorry, I forgot to mention my favorite piece of stitching. It is the 3 wolves portrait by cross my heart and yes I advert your giveaway in my blog.
Been, and will, be a follower!!
Love your Blog, although with watching hubby and now dog, I have very little time to leave comments, much as I would like!!
My favorite piece of pieces would be my Little House Needle Works
piece I did to attach to the matching thread purse. And, as usual, memory fails me as to the title of this one!!
Keep on with your wonderful stitching and Blog!!
Love and Hugs!!
I love following your blog so please include me in your giveaway. Congrats for breaking 100! Hugs
I have been a follower for some time now. Love all your stitching.
My birthday is July 31st so would love to be entered im the giveaway.
My most meaningful piece was an Old World Map that I did for my oldest daughter's godfather.
Hi Cindy, my first time here, nice blog. Not entering, just wanted to say congrats and have fun with your giveaway:)
COngrats on 100.
I would love to be included in your giveaway
I am also a new follower - my most meaningful piece is probably my first - a birth sampler for my son, now aged seventeen!! Have stitched one for each of the five children since, but that got me 'hooked' on stitching! I will post your giveaway on my blog :)
Congrats on your blog! I really love all of your work. I have quite a few meaningful pieces that I have stitched over the years,but my favorite one I did when I was 6 years old. It says "East to west-Home is best" with a small bird in its nest.I love looking at all the croocked lines and yellowing fabric. It was done almost 50 years ago.Thanks for the giveaway chance,Beth N. (Stormybrew57@aol.com)
I am a followerand would love to win1
I am new to xstitch and haven't done many pieces yrt.
The most fun piece i have done is from a kit.The piece has a frog laying down with a crown on it says "A Prince Sleeps Here!" My DH is a PRINCE!
i don't have a blog, but will tell my yahoo group.
Thanks Sharon
hey Cindy, I see that you also have a few of the spammers posting to your blog too. I wonder what we need to do to get rid of them? At first I thought it was just people you posted in a different language but I am told their links are to porn crap or virus stuff. If you figure it out before I do please let me know.... Love your blog and your small projects!
Enter me, please! I love the sampler I stitched called "Thy Crownest The Day With Thy Bounty". The chart was in a cross stitch magazine (don't remember which one) and I made it about 12 years ago. It's still hanging in my bedroom.
I just found your blog and I'd love to be included in the fun... I adore to cross stitch it's my passion, I've made tons and tons of stuff, but I'm still not tired, and I'm looking forward to make more, this is one of my fave projects so far
http://arlette0521.blogspot.com/2009/06/blog-post_3899.html love the colors they design for it.
I'm your new follower and I'm looking forward to see more things about you :)
rminbxhagkftmldbpkbh, http://yahooscanner.net yahoo Scanner, qotVosH.
Very similar.
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